Το Δικηγορικό Γραφείο του Δικηγόρου Αποστολόπουλου Βασίλειου βρίσκεται στο Κολωνάκι.

Το Δικηγορικό γραφείο μας προσφέρει ολοκληρωμένες νομικές υπηρεσίες σε φυσικά και νομικά πρόσωπα. Η λειτουργία είναι πάντα με γνώμονα και μοναδικό σκοπό την υψηλή ευθύνη, την ποιότητα και την προσωπική σχέση με τους πελάτες του.

Κυρίαρχη μέριμνά μας είναι η επίλυση των υποθέσεων με τον ταχύτερο, ουσιαστικότερο και αποτελεσματικότερο τρόπο.

Το δικηγορικό γραφείο ειδικεύεται στα:

  • Ποινικό δίκαιο
  • Αστικό δίκαιο
  • Οικογενειακό δίκαιο
  • Εργατικό δίκαιο
  • Εμπορικό δίκαιο

Επίσης, ο κ. Αποστολόπουλος Βασίλειος είναι Διαπιστευμένος Διαμεσολάβητης ικανός να επίλυση εξωδικαστικά και με επιτυχία κάθε υπόθεσή σας.


Attorney-at-law with a thorough insight into maritime law. I hold an LLM in International Shipping Law and Maritime Arbitration with merit from Queen Mary University of London, an LLM in International Commercial Law with merit from City, University of London and an LLM in Maritime Law from University of Southampton. Also, I’ve been awarded an LLB degree with Honors from University of Buckingham. In addition to my above studies, i also hold an LLM in International Commercial and Corporate Law with merit from The University of Edinburgh. Keeping in mind my professional needs and expectations/aspirations, the latter taught master’s degree has effectively allowed me to advance my expertise in the wider Commercial law subject area so as to progress in my career, whilst staying in full employment. In 2019 I delivered Law Seminars in the field of Maritime Law at students of the Metropolitan College which is one of the leading private colleges in the area of shipping studies. Also, in 2016 I worked as a lecturer in shipping law at BCA College, another leading private college in the same field as above. Likewise, I’ve worked as a senior lecturer in International Commercial Law at IEK MASTER. In the same manner, as from October 2020 I’ve also started working as a senior lecturer in Shipping, Business and Commercial Law at IEK DELTA. Apart from my above expertise, I’m also apt at confidently and effectively handling cases of Greek civil and criminal subject-matter and carrying out Greek civil and criminal litigation with distinctive effectiveness. Moreover, I’m also certified by the Mediators Accreditation Committee of the Greek Ministry of Justice to mediate the settlement of disputes outside courts between various parties either as an intermediary/mediator or legal counsel during the mediation process. Likewise, I’m also able of effectively acting as an advocate in any dispute referred to arbitration.

In 2018 I delivered Law Seminars in the field of Maritime Law at students of the Metropolitan College which is one of the leading private colleges in the area of shipping studies. Also, in 2016 I worked as a lecturer in shipping law at BCA College, another leading private college in the same field as above. Apart from my above expertise, I’m also apt at confidently and effectively handling cases of Greek civil and criminal subject-matter and carrying out Greek civil and criminal litigation with distinctive effectiveness. Moreover, I’m also certified by the Mediators Accreditation Committee of the Greek Ministry of Justice to mediate the settlement of disputes outside courts between various parties either as an intermediary/mediator or legal counsel during the mediation process. Likewise, I’m also able of effectively acting as an advocate in any dispute referred to arbitration.


  • Post Graduate Studies
    Master of Laws (L.L.M.) in the field of International Shipping Law and Maritime Arbitration, Merit.
    Institution: Queen Mary University of London, Law Faculty, UK
  • Dates: September 2015 – August 2016
  • Modules: – Wet Shipping Law, Collisions and other Incidents at Sea
    – Marine Insurance
    – Carriage of Goods by Sea
    – Protection and Indemnity Clubs
    – Charterparties and the Law
    – Maritime Arbitration
    – Dissertation topic in the Law of Warranties with Merit.
  • Title: Master of Laws with Merit/Commendation (L.L.M. in International Commercial Law)
  • Institution: City, University of London, Law Faculty, UK
  • Dates: October 2013 – November 2014
  • Modules: – Admiralty Law
    – Marine Insurance
    – Carriage of Goods by Sea
    – International Sales Law
    – Commercial Law Dissertation in the field of Carriage Of Goods by Sea with Merit/Commendation, Title: “A critical analysis of the Owner’s rights and obligations under The Hague-Visby and the Hamburg Rules and the legal issues arising under a Bill of Lading contract when courts and arbitrators of different countries seek to apply different sets of these rules”.
  • Title: Master of Laws (L.L.M. in Maritime Law)
  • Institution: Southampton University, Law Faculty, UK.
  • Dates: October 1995-September 1997
  • Modules: – Admiralty Law
    – Carriage Of Goods by Sea
    – Marine Insurance
    – Dissertation in the field of Marine Insurance with Distinction, Chosen Topic: «How far can the courts stretch the technical rules of causation to rebut willful misconduct»
  • Title: Master of Laws in Commercial and Corporate Law and Practice, Merit
  • Institution: University of Edinburgh, Law School, UK
  • Dates: September 2018 – August 2019
  • Modules: – Corporate Compliance
    – EU Data Protection Law
    – Comparative Contract Law
    – Corporate Governance
    – International Law, Human Rights, and Corporate Accountability
    – Dispute Resolutions Methods
    Chosen Dissertation Topic in the law area of International Commercial Arbitration: “A critical analysis of the ‘writing’ requirement on the validity of international commercial agreements to arbitrate”.

Undergraduate studies:

  • Law Degree: Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B., Honors).
  • Institution: Buckingham University, Faculty of Law, UK.
  • Dates: January 1993 – February 1995
  • Graduation Date: February 1995

Mediator’s Accreditation:

  • December 2013: Awarded Certificate of Foundation Mediation Skills Training for qualified Lawyers conducted by Facilit8 Communications Limited at Prometheus founded by Athens Bar Association following successful participation in the relevant written and oral exams.
  • July 2014: Accreditation by the Mediators Certification Committee of the Greek Ministry of Justice as a certified Mediator following successful participation in the relevant written and oral exams.
  • February 2014: Awarded Certificate of Advanced Mediation Skills for Commercial Mediators conducted by Facilit8 Communications Limited at Prometheus founded by Athens Bar Association.Lycée education:
  • Costeas-Geitonas Lycée, Athens.
  • Dates: 1989-1992.
  • High School: Maroudas Secondary School, (Gymnasium), Athens.
  • Dates: 1986-1989.Recognition of Foreign University Degrees in Greece:
  • July 2004: Awarded Recognition of U.K. University Degrees by the University of Athens (Kapodistriako), Law Faculty, via “Dikatsa” Institution Exams, (successful participation in the relevant written and oral exams of Athens Law School in the corresponding Greek Law subjects).
  • March 2005: Registration with the Peiraeus Bar Association following successful participation in the relevant written and oral exams.
  • 2005 – 2020: Practicing Law in Athens as an Attorney – at – Law primarily in the fields of criminal, civil and commercial law.
    i) Independent legal counselor of Athens Medical Group (litigation and legal counseling) involved mostly in carrying out criminal and civil litigation.
  • March 2015: Appointed as Senior Legal Advisor in Athens Medical Group.
  • September 2016 – February 2017: Worked as Lecturer in Shipping Law at BCA.
  • September 2018: Delivered seminars in the fields of English Common Law and Maritime Law, respectively, at students of the Metropolitan College based in Piraeus.

Scientific Published Articles and Legal Studies
I’ve written several law articles and studies which have been published at reputable legal and other sites, such as ‘dikastiko.gr’, ‘nautemporiki.gr’, tetravivlos-nomopaideia’, ‘ethemis.gr’, and ‘justina.gr’.


  • Successful attendance of the annual seminars of the Association of Greek Commercialists. Successful attendance of the “Conference on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Settlement in Germany, Greece and the Balkan States” at the International Hellenic University. Successful attendance and completion of the mediation courses of the Athens Bar Association leading up to the mediator’s accreditation.
    LANGUAGES • Greek (mother tongue)
  • English (fluently)


Excellent knowledge of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet.
SPORTS ACTIVITIES Deeply involved in sports activities as an amateur athlete since childhood and in particular at the sports of running and cycling.
On March 2007 participation and finish as an athlete-member of the Greek Cycling Team ‘Olympiakos Xaidariou’ in the Greek National Federation Official Cycling Race of that year.
Participation and finish in numerous multisports and running races which took place in Greece, most notably, participation and finish in the 29th Athens Classic Marathon 42 km on the 11th of November 2011 and November 2017, respectively, as well as participation and finish in the 7th International Classic Marathon of “Great Alexander” 42 km (Ancient Pella – Thessaloniki) on April 1st, 2012. More recently, participation and finish in the 34th Athens Classic Marathon 42 km on the 13th of November 2016 as well as in the 37th Classic Marathon of Athens on 10 November 2019.


Ώρες λειτουργίας















Κατόπιν Ραντεβού


Η Διεύθυνσή μας:

Λυκαβηττού 7, Κολωνάκι, Αθήνα, Νομός Αττικής, 10672, Ισόγειο


37.9795632, 23.7376183


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